"Hypnotic" Loop
Prompt: Create an animation to characterize an adjective your choosing. The result should be a seamless loop.
My Process:
I had a pretty clear idea at the very start of this project, so I stuck to my storyboards pretty closely. I used cell/traditional animation to make the most the of animation feel fluid and give it more character. I was very inspired by psychedelic animations that tended to loop constantly and their use of color for their entrancing effect.

Still 1/4

Still 2/4

Still 3/4

Still 4/4
Process -continued-

Original Type Sketch

Storyboard (1/3)

Storyboard (2/3)

Storyboard (3/3)

Intro Scene: Cell Animation (1/2)

Intro Scene: Cell Animation (2/2)

Concluding Scene: Cell Animation (1/2)

Concluding Scene: Cell Animation (2/2)